Ask 10 people where you go to catch up with people you’ve lost touch with.

They’ll say Facebook. To find business connections? LinkedIn. To connect with their community? We hope that’s where we can come in.

We’re a community of people looking to make a difference any way we can—by helping you make a difference in yours. We believe volunteering should be easy—and personalized. Measuring your impact and sharing it should be even easier.

We are overwhelmed with “asks” and needs that don’t suit us. Not our passion, not our skills, no time.

Yet, we are SUPER eager to find ways to do good!

So, we give people personalized matches based on location, schedule and causes. There are unlimited needs out there, so many that people are deafened to them. But, if we are matched intelligently to needs that we CAN and WANT to help with…and can track what we have contributed…it gets a lot easier to give back.

Many of these opportunities are local chances to lend a hand or just show some kindness.

You may encounter an ask from a family nearby (or a neighbor helping on their behalf) who needs help affording their Thanksgiving dinner, and you could anonymously drop off some ingredients. Maybe there’s an old lady down the block who needs a ride to the doctor. Maybe your local animal shelter is overwhelmed and needs some help with administrative tasks or dog walking.

Nonprofits and charities can post volunteer opportunities and other needs…

Whether they’re local, national, or global — whatever they are — a call for a graphic designer to lend their skills to a website for a few hours, regular or occasional volunteers to help deliver meals or transport dogs to rescue, or a few outdoors-loving folks who love the idea of a park clean-up and picnic. This is a place to find your tribe and the support you need!

People from communities around the world can also post volunteer opportunities—get thoughtful and creative, folks!

Here’s your chance to share ideas you’ve had that may not already be in the hands of an existing nonprofit or charity. Regular, everyday people trying to figure out how to find ways to help that matter to them, even if they don’t have time for a day of training and can’t commit to a weekly gig.

You’ll will see these start to trickle right into your inboxes.

GozAround will customize your Feed…

….and notifications to include opportunities best suited to you. When you see something you want to get involved with, offer to help, log your volunteer hours, and build your impact record.

GozAround is a social enterprise and gives back in the best way we know how…awesome technology for nonprofits for FREE

The tools we give to nonprofits, like recognition and data managements tools, are usually things folks have to pay for, but they give ’em away as part of our own Giving Back plan. Volunteer and donor management, data collection, communication tools…all on top of our network of people who care…it is all possible through GozAround for no cost at all.

Joining the movement as a volunteer or nonprofit…

Just requires an email address, and setting your location and volunteer preferences. By creating a social impact profile, you can list the causes you’re passionate about, the types of needs you like to get involved with, and follow specific organizations or individuals that you support. Then just sit back and wait for the magic to happen.

GozAround is changing the way businesses do good…

We live in a data-driven age full of businesses that like to be able to measure the result of their efforts in all arenas, but “social good” has always been difficult to quantify. We collect  impact data, as the good deeds happen, allowing you to more quickly measure your community impact, engage staff, and tell your story.

If you’re a small or large business, learn more about what our social impact platform can do for you or request a demo to see it in action.

In an age of information overload, it isn’t enough to be “known”.  It has to be very quick and easy for people to connect with your organization, understand how they can help and make the decision to do so.

If you can think of one good reason not to sign up, let us know.

Seriously, we want to know why.

Otherwise, take a few minutes to enter your email, create your social profile, and get going!

Because what goes around… know.


The Optimist 

People don’t give back for the glory, but it’s nice to be noticed. That’s why we’ve developed a storytelling, news, social media and podcast program to help spread good around the web.