General Questions
Should I speak with another member on the phone?
Communication should begin via messaging through GozAround. When meeting new people and participating with new organizations, we recommend that you have an open mind, but be wary of odd behavior or inconsistencies. Trust your instincts and if you feel better bringing a friend along to complete any help request, or when someone is coming out to help you, do so. Communication should begin via messaging or use of winks. When meeting new people, we recommend you have an open mind, nevertheless.
When is the right time to disclose my email address and/or phone number?
Communication should begin via messaging. When meeting new people, we recommend you have an open mind, nevertheless, we recommend you be wary of odd behavior or inconsistencies. The person at the other end may not be who or what he or she says. Trust your instincts.
What are verified users?
Verified users are those that have completed their account activation by clicking the activation link sent through their e-mail and/or completed on the following additional verification options: a)Connected their Facebook account; b)Connected their LinkedIn account; c)Confirmed their mobile number; or d)Uploaded an offline ID for review.
How do I become verified?
You can become verified by clicking the activation link in the email sent to you after you sign up. If you do not receive an e-mail or have troubles, please send an email to support@gozaround.com and request for your account to be manually activated. From there, on your “Settings” page (found by clicking the little gear icon in the upper right menu) you can complete additional verification methods to better prove your identity.
How exactly do I earn points?
Points are awarded to users as help requests (volunteer tasks) are completed. For more structured volunteer roles, points are based on the required time commitment. The more time you give, the more points you will earn in return. For peer-to-peer postings (help directly between individual users), the points are set by the person looking for help and deducted from their total. Think of it like digital Karma. The more you help, the more your earn. And if you need help, make a withdrawal from your Karma bank and offer some points as a thank you. Once you have completed a request, the allotted number of points for that activity will be added to your account. You can then use those points to reward someone for their help on one of your requests, increase your rank on our leaderboards, and accumulate donations for the organizations you care about.
What exactly is the use of points?
GozAround points are just a fun way to track your community contributions. As you earn more points your ranking increases, tracked by city, state/province, and the world. This leaderboard model encourages friendly competition and for people to look for ways to give back. But better yet, when you volunteer with our member organizations, GozAround will make quarterly donations to those organizations according to how much their volunteers participate. So, if you really care about a cause, you will double your impact by generating donations as you give your time. The more you volunteer, the more they receive.
What is the difference between a Volunteer Organization account and Business account?
Volunteer organizations are those organizations classified as non-profits. Business accounts are for-profit organizations looking for ways to volunteer in the community or get their employees involved in volunteering.
How do I delete my account?
As a growing community, every user is of utmost value to GozAround. It takes some time to build a community of people who care so you may not see too many postings in your local area just yet, so please stick with us even if you don’t see anything for you. However, if you really want to delete your account simply contact us at support@gozaround.com and we can take care of that for you right away.
I forgot my password, what do I do?
When logging in, you can reset your password by selecting “Forgot your Password”. If you are still having troubles, please contact us at support@gozaround.com.
How do I post a help request or volunteer opportunity?
You can post your first request by clicking “Post a Request” from the top bar after you have logged in. After you have filled out all of the required information, you can go ahead and click “post request”. If you need further assistance, please contact us at support@gozaround.com. Helpful Posting Tips: 1. Attach a photo to get a higher number of responses. 2. You can select more than one category to reach more users. 3. Filling out your profile with the causes you support, a description, a profile picture, and a cover photo will increase the number of responses you get.
How do I find help requests to respond to?
Once you have logged in, you can select “Browse” from the top bar to begin browsing and filtering volunteer opportunities and help requests. To search for volunteer opportunities near you, you can enter in your city and state/ province under the heading “location”. From here you can click on “search” to begin browsing!
I can’t find my account activation link, what do I do?
Sometimes spam filters catch our activation emails. Please check your junk folder. If you are still unable to locate your activation emails, contact us at support@gozaround.com and we will help you activate your account.
What do I do once I have offered to help an organization or individual in need?
Once you have sent an offer to help, that organization or individual will be notified of your offer and will have the opportunity to discuss the details with you, or accept or decline your offer to help. In the meantime, you can continue to browse other opportunities or send the other user a message if you require further information or want to follow up.
How do I mark a request as complete?
If you offered to help, you will receive an email once your offer has been accepted. From there you will need to confirm you still wish to proceed on the “My Offers” page. When you have completed the task, either you or the posting user can mark it complete by clicking the checkmark on your “My Offers” page (or “My Requests” page for the posting user). The other user will then be asked by email to confirm the task was completed (again on the “My Requests” or “My Offers” page), just to be sure everyone is accountable for the good work that was done.
How can I create a group for my team/organization/company?
If you're school, company, church, or other group would like to use GozAround privately, you are most welcome to do so. When you have logged into your account, click “Create a Group” in the left-side menu. You can enter a name, description and image for your group, choose whether anyone can join or if they have to be approved by you, and invite users to join. You will then have the option on the Post a Request page to share your posting exclusively with your group members (so no one else will see the posting) and all group members will be immediately notified of any new postings to that group.
How can I limit/control the number of e-mails that I receive?
You can control your e-mail settings through your “Settings” page. Once you have logged in, you can go ahead and select the little gear beside your username in the top right corner. From the drop down menu, select “Settings”. Scroll to the bottom of this page and you will find your “E-mail Notification Settings.” You can limit your notification to certain geographic areas, unsubscribe from our newsletter or stop all GozAround emails altogether. If you need help changing your settings, please e-mail us at support@gozaround.com.
An organization rejected my request can I ask for feedback?
Of course, from the “My Offers” page you can select the black envelope beside the name of the organization you sent an offer to and send them a message.
How can I keep track of the number of hours I have volunteered/where can I view this information?
GozAround automatically keeps track of what requests you have completed and your volunteer hours once both parties have confirmed. You can view this information as well as how much you have helped donate by selecting “Your Impact” from the top bar.
I am not getting email notifications when a user responds to my request, what can I do?
If you did not receive an email at any point in the GozAround process (confirmation, feedback etc) please check you junk folder just be sure they aren’t trapped there. Otherwise, please contact us at support@gozaround.com and we will attempt to fix the issue for you. In the meantime, you will still receive notifications through your GozAround notification center by clicking the small bell icon in the top bar once logged in.
I clicked on the activation link in my e-mail and nothing happened, now what?
If your activation link is broken or is leading you to a blank page, please contact us at support@gozaround.com to report the bug and we will manually activate your account for you.
Do I have to mark tasks as complete and provide feedback through GozAround?
Yes, this is an important step that allows our users to log and keep track of their volunteer hours, the donations generated and to increase their ranking on our leaderboard. As for feedback, this is of extreme value to both the other user (who almost always wants to hear about your experience) and to us as it helps us continually improve our website.
There is not a lot of activity in my local area, what can I do to help raise awareness?
It takes time to build a thriving community of people who care in each geographic area, so spreading the word is essential. You can like or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You can also share our pages with your friends, post a tweet about us, or post our intro video to your social media pages. Best of all though, when you signed up you were assigned a unique referral link. By sharing this link and helping us to bring on more users you will earn GozAround points as our way to thanking you for your help. You can find your referral link by clicking the small gear icon in the top bar and then “Invite Friends”.
How can I subscribe to categories so that I get notified when requests are posted within these categories?
You can control your subscribed categories through your “Settings” page. Once you have logged in, you can go ahead and select the little gear beside your username in the top right corner. From the drop down menu, select “Settings”. Once here, you will find all the categories on GozAround. Go ahead and click the checkbox beside each category that is of interest to you to start receiving email alerts, notifications, and to see any new postings in your News Feed.
Does it cost anything to join GozAround and post opportunities?
No, GozAround is completely free to join and post for anyone!
How can I edit my profile information?
Once you have logged in, select the little gear beside your username in the top right corner and click “My Profile”. Once you are on your profile page, click “Edit Profile” to start editing your information. When ready, just click “Save Changes” and your profile will be instantly updated.
What are those little stars under my username?
This is your average rating as provided by other GozAround users. When you complete a help request each user is given the chance to provide a rating (out of five stars) and feedback for the other. Over time, these ratings and feedback will help build your online reputation and improve the chances of your offers being accepted or help requests answered. The stars you see are simply the average of all your ratings to date. If you have any concerns about your average rating, any specific rating or particular feedback you received feel free to contact us at support@gozaround.com.
How do I give feedback to a volunteer or a nonprofit?
Feedback can be given after a task has been marked as complete. When you click the green checkmark icon to mark the request as "complete" a feedback box will open up and ask you to answer some rating questions. Once you have given feedback to a volunteer or a nonprofit, you can look under "My Accounts” on the left hand side and click on "Feedback". This section will show you both the “feedback given”, as well as the “feedback received”.
How do I only get notifications for opportunities near me?
Once you log in, click on the little grey gear in the top right-hand corner, then click “Settings”. From here, scroll down under you see the heading “Email Notification Settings” and select “All postings by my followed users but only… in the following geographic areas:” You can narrow it down to either your city or province and hit “Save”.
How do I send and receive messages on GozAround?
After an offer for help has been made, private message can be sent between an individual and a volunteer organization. To send/ receive messages, log onto your account and click on "My Offers" on the lefthand side of the page. Once you are on the "My Offer" page you can click on the little black envelope to view and send your messages.
How do I repost an request for help, after it has expired?
Once you log in, all you have to do is go into "My Postings" on the lefthand side and look under "My Complete Postings". Click on the circular arrow beside a post to "Repost Request".
How do I change my password?
Once you log in, click on the little grey gear in the top right-hand corner, then click “Edit Profile” and then you will see a section on the right- “Change Password”. Once you're done you can go ahead and hit “Save”.
How do I change my privacy settings?
Once you log in, click on the little grey gear in the top right-hand corner, then click “Settings”. From here, scroll down to “Privacy Settings”. Once you update your preferences, you can hit “Save”.
Why is it important to fill out my profile?
If you are an individual, customizing your profile will help nonprofit organizations see who you are and how you would be a good fit for their organization. If you are a nonprofit, customizing your profile will increase the number of volunteers you attract. We encourage you to dd a profile picture and a cover photo, select causes that matter to you, follow specific charities and organizations, track volunteer hours, and much more!
I accidentally signed up as the wrong user type (individual, nonprofit, business). How do I correct this?
Please email support@gozaround.com for assistance. We would be happy to help you correct your user-type.
How do I change my profile picture or cover photo?
Once you log in, you can click on your profile picture in the top left corner. To change your photos simply click on the camera icon or you can select the ”Update Cover Photo” to upload new images.
If I move to a new city, how do I change my location?
You can change your city and province by clicking on the black gear on the top left corner and clicking on "Edit Profile". From here you can update your information and click on save changes.
How can I find volunteer opportunities posted by my school or group?
Once you are logged onto GozAround, look on the left hand side under “Groups” and click on "Browse Groups”. Using the search engine type in the group name. Once you have found the group, you can click on “Request to Join”.
How can I post on behalf of a volunteer organization, if I am signed up as an individual user?
Once logged in, you can click on “Posting Partners” on the left-hand side under “My Account”. Use the search engine to find the nonprofit you want to post for. Once you find the nonprofit you are looking for, simply click on “Send Request”.