Tryon Life Community Farm is a seven-acre land project and non-profit event center, surrounded by the beautiful forest of Tryon Creek State Park in Portland, Oregon. Our public Village Green includes a large yurt, outdoor kitchen, tea house, bonfire area, earthen buildings, stage, and Portland's first public composting toilets. The majority of the land is open space, including gardens, orchards, chicken and goat areas, and fields.
TLC Farm is a unique community-created venue for public and private events. We teach workshops, lead educational field trips, host regular work parties and community events, and are the home of Willow Creek Forest School.
TLC Farm brings people together to root into relationships with each other and the land, by sharing tools for community-based sustainability and social change, and tending resilient ecosystems.
We offer a living, breathing organizational ecology in which to practice new modes of being and doing; trainings in practical skills and critical wisdoms; relationships with elders and youngers to help you grow into crews, collectives, and communities.
For the last several years, TLC Farm went into hibernation mode due to the pandemic, but this year, we're relaunching ways to reconnect with the land and community! We are recruiting people like you to help build and expand old and new projects.
When you get involved with TLC, you’re not simply a volunteer, but also a participant that is supporting a project, engaging with the land, and cultivating community.
You are helping to build a new world that you are an integral piece of.
We need people like you to make it all happen.
Post Details | action |
Farm Tour and Volunteer Ori...
Location: 11640 Southwest Boones Ferry Road
Portland, Oregon United States of America 97219 |
People Required: 25
Date: Jun 17, 2023
Garden Work Party, Communit...
Location: 11640 Southwest Boones Ferry Road
Portland, Oregon United States of America 97219 |
People Required: 10
Date: May 06, 2023