How it works?
How It Works
Don’t wait for volunteer opportunities to happen to you—make them happen!
We believe volunteering should be easy—and personalized.
So, we want you to help share the needs in your own community in addition to receiving alerts and emails about the existing opportunities out there that you might be interested in, but haven’t heard of yet. (And if you know a nonprofit, foundation, or community group that could benefit from our platform, share it with them! We. Are. Free.)
Think about the needs in your local community that you may have observed, but not acted on.
You may encounter a family nearby who you know needs help affording their Thanksgiving dinner, and you could anonymously drop off some ingredients. Maybe there’s an old lady down the block who needs a ride to the doctor. Maybe your local animal shelter is overwhelmed and needs some help with administrative tasks or dog walking.
This is your chance to post a an idea you’ve had for literally anything, but haven’t wanted to do alone or known how to start. It's also a great time to kickstart literally anything you’ve ever thought of starting a Crowdfunding Campaign for but haven’t. Why not teach a free class for people in your community who could really use your skill set?
Some ideas we’ve seen:
- Pizza Drive for the homeless
- Giving flowers out as random acts of kindness
- Helping a neighbor dig a garden into her yard
- Collecting clothes for a low income family (we once had a teen going into high school with nothing nice to wear and her mom wanted her to fit in)
- Literally anything you’ve ever thought of starting a Crowdfunding Campaign for but haven’t
- Showing gratitude for your local service-person who may be having a hard time, or taking up a collection to help them with something they’re struggling with
- Starting a book drive for the local preschool
- Putting on talent shows at local hospitals, nursing homes or other places where people in bad situations could use some cheering up
- An idea you’ve had for literally anything, but haven’t wanted to do alone or known how to start
- Starting a class for people who could use those skills free of charge in your community
- Driving elderly neighbors to get pet supplies or groceries (or picking it up for them!)
What does posting a volunteer opportunity on your own look like?
Joining the movement as a volunteer just requires an email address, and setting your location and volunteer preferences.
By creating a social impact profile, you can list the causes you’re passionate about, the types of needs you like to get involved with, and follow specific organizations or individuals that you support.
Or, list your own needs! Here’s the Process. Ready? It’s a long one.
1. Sign-up and click Create Post at the top
2. Click Request Volunteers
3. Fill in the form and you're done. (Well, share it all over social media like your life depends on it, and then you’re done).
…Oh. It’s actually not long at all. Hazzah!
Also, you can totally wait for them to fall into your lap. Literally, into your laptop. We’ll send them into your email when we have a potentially good match for you.
Life is hard enough. Volunteering shouldn’t be.